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History Channel Ancient Aliens 2009 HD 720p part 1

History Channel Ancient Aliens 2009 HD 720p part 1 What if life on Earth began in outer space? Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ...  

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damdarch (hace 6 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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what ignorance?
xdavanionx (hace 8 horas) Mostrar Ocultar
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well in your case and in many others ignorance is bliss.....
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hell call of duty 7 would be out
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@goliathlup1 , lol
goliathlup1 (hace 2 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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They should have known we are not to be trusted. If it wasn't for religion we would be at least 1000 years more advanced and Call of duty 6 would be even more awesome!
damdarch (hace 3 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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People like Dainken don't offer any proof. They simply restate facts we know ("the nazca people made these huge pictures") and then say "aliens" do it without actualy exploring other mthods it could have been done, nor does he look at glaring objections to his own ideas.
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Goliathlup, lol. I don't think they started religion. Rather, the people on Earth didn't understand who they were, described them as Gods, and then it evolved into the religion we have today.--If this all happened, that is. It's almost like playing Telephone.
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Arpotu, there is Theistic, Deistic, and Atheistic Satanism.
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Ahmingah, he's just chillin' in the clouds. :p

No, really: Mark was the first gospel written (or so it's believed by most reputable scholars), and there was no resurrection in it. That was changed later by monks who didn't like the original ending. In your Bible it should either have a foot note or be right there saying they went away because they were too scared, then "short ending" and "long ending." So, who's to say he was supposed to have been resurrected? (If he was even crucified.)
magodenzel (hace 4 días) Mostrar Ocultar
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